Mr. WANG Wah Chi, Raymond

Chief Executive Officer

Executive Director

Mr. WANG Wah Chi, Raymond, aged 58, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director and Authorized Representative of the Company pursuant to Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules. Mr. Wang is also Chairman of the Investment Committee under the Board. Mr. Wang is a chartered engineer with over 30 years’ experience in the semiconductor industry. He graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering. He received a master of business administration degree from the Victoria University of Wellington and a master of arts degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Mr. Wang is currently the Chief Executive Office of the Group was the Corporate Vice President and Head of Advanced Display Business of the Group. He joined Solomon Systech Limited in 2000 as System Manager until 2003 and rejoined the Group in 2006 as Business Operations Director. Prior to joining SSL in 2000 and during the period from 2003 to 2006, Mr. Wang had held senior management positions in Motorola Inc. and worked in Hong Kong, the United States of America and Canada. He had also held the position of the Asia Pacific Head of RFWaves Ltd. in Israel.


Mr. YU Chon Man, Jimmy

Finance Director

Company Secretary

Mr. YU Chon Man, Jimmy, aged 46, Finance Director, Company Secretary and Authorized Representative of the Company pursuant to Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules. Mr Yu holds a degree in accountancy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a fellow member in the Association of Certified Public Accountants and The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. YU has more than 20 years of experience in capital market management, IPO, financial reporting and financial management. Before joining the Company, he was a chief financial officer and company secretary of a main board listed company on the Stock Exchange. Apart from that, he also worked in an international audit firm for approximately 8 years.


Dr. WU Wenchi

Vice President, Design Engineering

Dr. WU Wenchi, aged 55, Vice President, Design Engineering. Dr. Wu joined Solomon Systech Limited in 2017. Prior to joining the company, Dr Wu was assistant general manager of Socle Technology Corporation. Dr. Wu holds a doctorate degree in electrical engineering from the National Central University in Taiwan.


Mr. WONG Ka Kei

Planning & Customer Services Director

Mr. WONG Ka Kei, aged 58, Planning & Customer Services Director. Mr. Wong joined Solomon Systech Limited in 2005 as Business Process Solutions Manager. Mr. Wong holds a master degree in Information Systems Management from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and has over 30 years customers’ service and logistics management experience in semiconductors industry.


Ms. LO Oi Yee, Mabel

Human Resources Director

Ms. LO Oi Yee, Mabel, aged 59, Human Resources Director. Ms. Lo joined Solomon Systech Limited in 2000 as Human Resources Manager. Ms. Lo holds a master degree in Human Resources & Training from University of Leicester, and has over 30 years of human resources management experience.